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Now is the Time to Start Rebuilding the Indian Ocean's Tuna Stocks

WWF used this policy brief to advocate for reduced catch levels and a strong, long-term rebuilding plan for yellowfin tuna at the the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission's 28th Session on 13 to 17 May, 2024.

For nearly a decade, yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean have consistently been overfished. If the current catch rate persists, this ecologically and commercially vital stock might be unable to sustain itself by as early as 2027. For this reason, WWF advocated for yellowfin tuna catch reductions at the 28th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC).

For WWF's response to the IOTC's 28th Session, click here.

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Now is the Time to Start Rebuilding the Indian Ocean's Tuna Stocks